Be enchanted to witness the fabulous Flores de Mayo and Santa Cruzan on the month of May.  To add more spice as you observe this event, have someone to be your date.  Find it at, where young and mesmerizing single Filipinas await you.  Join now and end your quest of finding true love here at



Flores de Mayo is a Spanish word, which translates as Flowers of May.  Different fragrances of flowers float in the air.  Because on the month of May, the 7,107 tropical islands of Philippine archipelago celebrates Flores de Mayo in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.   Every afternoon before the mass starts, little children wear their Sunday’s best, don their feigned white wings and march in the church’s aisle to offer flowers to Virgin Mary. 

As they walk along the aisle, these cute little angels toss petals up in the air.  A lovely sight to behold as if you enter the golden gate of heaven.  This is done until the last day of May.  Town folks who also celebrate their fiesta on the Month of May decorate their chapel’s altars with fresh and scented flowers of different kinds.  This is intended to honor the Holy Mother that showers them blessings throughout the year.  To culminate the event a long and solemn procession will be held called Santa Cruzan.  

 It depicts the finding of Holy Cross by Queen Helena, mother of Constantine the Great.  There will be a 9 days of prayer or novena in honor of the Holy Cross and serves as a thanksgiving.  Santa Cruzan also represents the religious historical beauty pageant.  Lovely & charming young or old women will be chosen by the villagers to portray the significant characters of "Accolades of Our Lady".  The order of the “Accolades of Our Lady” when the procession starts will be done accordingly.

Reyna Fe (Faith), Reyna Abogada (defender of the poor), Reyna Sentencia (symbolizes the victims of innocents who have been sentenced guiltily), Reyna Esperanza (Hope), Reyna Paz(the Queen who symbolizes Peace), Reyna Caridad (Charity), Reyna Mora (Muslim), Reyna Banderada (Flag), Reyna Justicia (Justice), Rosa Mystica (she brings a posy of roses), etc.  Each one of them wear sophisticated, regal and well-made gown.  They will walk with their handsome consorts under a hand made bamboo arches adorn with colorful and splendid native ornaments.  The highlight of the event will be the stunning Reyna Elena (Queen Helena) along with her consort, Prinsipe Constantino (Prince Constantine).  They will walk together under a huge and extravagant canopy. 

Forthwith behind her is the majestic float of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is ornamented with different intensely hued flowers and is followed with festive sounds of procession by a group of musicians.  As the impressive parade moves on the street, devotees hold their lit candles, join the rosary or novena, and sing a song of praise for Virgin Mary. A lot of spectators will witness this event. They will await the man and woman who portray the character of Prince Constantine and Queen Helena respectively. This old Filipino culture was introduced by Spanish conquerors centuries ago. This tradition still remains up to these days and is faming its way among foreign tourists.  Embrace yourself to smell the various fragrances of flowers on the month of May in the different parts of Philippine islands.

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